A research project by Siegfried Zielinski – generated in close cooperation with Eckhard FĂŒrlus, Daniel Irrgang, Franziska Latell, David Link, Philip Tögel, Silvia Wagnermaier, and our publisher, Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, Köln (Christian Posthofen)

Since 2018 Variantology is an independent research project by Berlin based media archaeologist Siegfried Zielinski. From 2016-2018 it was hosted by the Karlsruhe University of Arts & Design  (strongly supported by Daniel Irrgang), and has been developed further in various exhibitions in cooperation with the Karlsruhe Centre for Art and Media (ZKM). 2007-2016 the project was located at the Berlin Universty of Arts under the title Variantology / Archaeology of Arts & Media.  Initiated by Siegfried Zielinski, from 2004 til 2006 it was established generously supported by the North-Rhine-Westfalian Ministry for Science and Research as a special research project at the Cologne Academy of Media Arts.

Right from the beginning the project Variantology / Archaeology of Arts & Media has been conceptualized as an international research project. A critical analysis and reflection of the existing heterogenous concepts of Media in different cultures of knowledge and the arts plays an important role in this project. The concept of Medium is opened for regions disciplines and ideas, which so far had been held mainly outside of the media discourse. Vice versa these disciplines open up for a knowledge culture in categories of medialities and communication.  The invention of a mundial network of researchers, artists and writers focusing on Deep Time relations of arts, sciences, and technologies is a crucial part of the project. Themes and problems we are confonted with have become so complex that we cannot sit them out anymore on one Chair. So far there have been successful cooperations with researchers and artists from Australia, Austria, The Peoples Republic of China, England, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Israel, Italy, Columbia, Lebanon, Mexico, Russia, Slovania, Spain, Switzerland, TĂŒrkey, and the U.S.A.

Results of our research are regularly presented at international conferences, symposia, seminars, lectures, and they are published in books. So far five volumes in English language (Walther König, Cologne) and one in German (Kadmos, Berlin) have been published.  The latest book by Siegfried Zielinski,  Variations on Media Thinking (University of Minnesota Press, 2019) connects for the first time investigations into Variantology with the research  On Genealogy of MediaThinking.

Until 2016 the project was located at the Berlin University of Arts (UdK) Institute for Time Based Media / Chair
for Media Theory/Archaology und Variantology of Arts and Media / Prof. Dr. Siegfried Zielinski

Actual contact:
Maja <majaneu@gmx.de>


Image of the eye model at the top of the page taken from Danielle Jacquart: L’Ă©popĂ©e de la science arabe, Paris 2005, p. 37


 Siegfried Zielinski

Variations on Media Thinking

(Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2019)

Expanding on Siegfried Zielinski’s groundbreaking inquiry into “deep time” of the media, these essays foster the eminent media theorist’s unique method of expanded hermeneutics, which means for him interpreting technical artifacts as essential parts of our cultural lives. Including many previously untranslated and scarce essays, these “written time machines” further diversify Zielinski’s insight into the hidden layers of media development.

Historians of technology know that any tool is also an instrument of exploration, experiment, and simulation. Siegfried Zielinski reminds us that any technology is also a generator of wonder. In fact, Zielinski does not write media history, he writes world history through the generative lens of media as machines of speculation and imagination. This is a material history of dissent, heretical hermeneutics, and electrified alchemic curiosity. – Matteo Pasquinelli

Book Launch – Variantologie
Friday, January 24, 2014, 7:30 pm
Buchhandlung Walther König, Burgstraße 27, 10178 Berlin

We are glad to have physicist and chaos theoretician Otto E. Rössler as our guest. He will speak about his approach towards variantology, followed by a talk with him and the editors, Eckhard FĂŒrlus and Siegfried Zielinski. Daniel Irrgang and Clemens Jahn will present their diagrammatic work, which is included in the volume.

Zur Tiefenzeit der Beziehungen von Kunst, Wissenschaft und Technik
Edited by Siegfried Zielinski and Eckhard FĂŒrlus
in collaboration with Daniel Irrgang and Clemens Jahn

For the first German-language volume in the Variantology series a selection of texts from the previous English-language volumes has been translated. The book contains, amongst others, essays on Athanasius Kircher, Giordano Bruno and Ramon Llull, on the meaning of vowels in Arabic music, on Alan Turing’s and Christopher Stratchey’s love letter program, on the variant in mathematics, on acoustics in ancient China, on gender politics in the late Chinese empire, on the automaton theater in Arabia, on the compass, on mathematical thinking in China and Europe, on John Cage’s mycology as well as on the design of an Institute of Southern Modernities (ISMs).

With contributions by Nanni Balestrini (Paris / Rom), Hans Belting Karlsruhe / Berlin), Arianna Borrelli (Rom / Berlin), Francesca Bray (Edinburgh), Luciano Canfora (Bari), Chen (Joseph) Cheng-Yih (San Diego), Eckhard FĂŒrlus (Berlin), Claus-Peter Haase (Berlin), Yasmin Haskell (Perth), Daniel Irrgang (Berlin), Clemens Jahn (Berlin), David Link (Köln / Leipzig), Mara Mills (New York), Nils Röller (ZĂŒrich), Otto E. Rössler (TĂŒbingen), George Saliba (Beirut / New York), Elisabeth von Samsonow (Wien), Wilhelm Schmidt-Biggemann (Berlin), Amnon Shiloah (Jerusalem), Amador Vega Esquerra (Barcelona), Xu Fei (Hefei), Siegfried Zielinski (Berlin) and Peter Weibel (Karlsruhe).

Kulturverlag Kadmos
ISBN 978-3-86599-188-1

Variantology 5
Neapolitan Affairs
Edited by Siegfried Zielinski and Eckhard FĂŒrlus
in cooperation with Daniel Irrgang

Naples: Although it has a long history, many consider the city does not have a future — its present-day state is seen as too ugly. The Biblioteca Nazionale di Napoli is one of Europe’s most beautiful — and decadent — collections of books and manuscripts. There the Variantologists met for their last congress (for the time being) and attempted Vesuvian thinking, initiated by the vulcanologist and Vesuvius expert Giovanni P. Ricciardi’s introduction. Their discussions traversed the deep time of the city and explored its media, philosophers, scientists, and scholars.

Those who engaged with Neapolitan affairs in Naples, and whose contributions are published in this volume, were the art experts Hans Belting and John Berger, the artists Rosa Barba and Peter Blegvad, the papyrologist Luciano Canfora, the mathematician Chen Cheng-Yih, the physicist Otto E. Roessler, and the philosopher and artist Elisabeth von Samsonow. Early machine poetry texts by the experimental poet Nanni Balestrini are published here for the first time. The artistic design of Variantology Volume 5 was created by the legendary Brothers Quay.

Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König
ISBN 978-3-86560-887-1

Table of contents and introduction (PDF)

Variantology 4
On Deep Time Relations of Arts, Sciences and Technologies
In the Arabic-Islamic World and Beyond
Edited by Siegfried Zielinski and Eckhard FĂŒrlus
in cooperation with Daniel Irrgang and Franziska Latell

We orient ourselves here on the Orient. Oriens means literally “the rising sun”, and another name for the Orient is the Levant. From this perspective we embarked on the fourth variantological expedition to the worlds of arts, sciences, and technologies and the relations between them. Our journey took us to the House of Wisdom in Baghdad, where in the ninth century programmed music automatons were conceived and built and the world was surveyed anew; to a darkened chamber in Cairo, where in the early eleventh century the laws of seeing and visual perception were rewritten; to the al-Jazīra region between the two rivers Euphrates and Tigris, where in the eleventh and twelfth centuries fascinating automaton theatres were minutely described and built. Andalusia, India, Iran, Istanbul, and the Three Moons monastic school in Beirut, Lebanon, were further stations of an expedition on which we never ceased to marvel and wonder. At the end of the journey, like Averroes from Cordoba we had the feeling of writing in Latin, thinking in Greek, and dreaming in Arabic. And of one thing we are absolutely certain: in the future it will not be possible to write the history (and stories) of the arts and the media without taking a long and hard look at the deep time of Arabic-Islamic culture.

With contributions by Ulrich Alertz (Aachen), Hans Belting (Karlsruhe), Arianna Borrelli (Berlin / Rome), Almut Sh. Bruckstein (Berlin), VilĂ©m Flusser, Irit Batsry (New York / Tel Aviv), Eckhard FĂŒrlus (Berlin), Ramon Guardans (Madrid), Claus-Peter Haase (Berlin), Franziska Latell (Berlin), David Link (Leipzig), Laura U. Marks (Vancouver), Anthony Moore (Arles / Cologne), Dhruv Raina (Neu Delhi), Julian Rohrhuber (Cologne), George Saliba (New York)‹, Wilhelm Schmidt-Biggemann (Berlin), Fuat Sezgin (Frankfurt am Main), Amnon Shiloah (Jerusalem), Eilhard Wiedemann, Siegfried Zielinski (Berlin).

Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König
ISBN 978-3-86560-732-4

Table of contents and introduction (PDF)

Variantology 3
On Deep Time Relations of Arts, Sciences and Technologies
In China and Elsewhere
Edited by Siegfried Zielinski and Eckhard FĂŒrlus
in cooperation with Nadine Minkwitz

Our endeavour is not to explain the history of the media as a consecutive retrospective, but to move from refl ections about the deep time history of arts and sciences to speculations that reach into the present. The contributors to the third volume in the Variantology Series expand our ideas of the interplay between arts, technology, and science in at least three important ways: 1. Themes. Fireworks as a time-based praxis of performance, magnetised chess automata, paper-cuts, thermometers, radical interventions in the natural landscape by humans, and the com pass are revealed as areas where discoveries can be made that lead to much broader and richer concepts of what art and media are. 2. Regions. As we move with the authors from Europe to the Far East and back again it becomes absolutely clear that the history of the media cannot be written with only the former industrial metropolises of the world in our sights, beginning and ending there. 3. Time. The evolution of the Chinese culture of science and technology takes us into dimensions that add unsuspected energies and historical possibilities to the concept of deep time. Brecht’s verdict from the 1920s that Chinese civilisation has already forgotten about innovations that the West proudly celebrates as innovations of the Modern Age, is given new meaning.

Authors and artists who contributed to this volume: Arianna Borrelli (Rome), Francesca Bray (Edinburgh), Chen Cheng-Yi (San Diego), Dai Nianzu (Beijing), Mareile Flitsch (Berlin), Ramon Guardans (Barcelona), Ingo GĂŒnther (New York), Rossen Milev (Sofia), Anthony Moore (Arles / Cologne), Dhruv Raina (New Delhi), Nils Röller (Zurich), Claudia Schink (Cologne), Simon Werrett (Seattle), Xu Fei (Hefei).

Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König
ISBN 3-86560-366-1

Table of contents and introduction (PDF)

Variantology 2
On Deep Time Relations of Arts, Sciences and Technologies
Edited by Siegfried Zielinski and David Link
with Eckhard Fuerlus and Nadine Minkwitz

What does a thirteenth-century Majorcan missionary have to do with the logic by which machines operate? Were medieval astrolabes solely for calculating the orbits of stars and planets or were they philosophical instruments as well? Can computers write love letters and where do radar angels live? What do the origins of the lottery and musical compositions inspired by arithmetic have in common? Was the first Russian avant-garde more interested in Jesuit theory of affects or in H.G. Wells’ time machine? Is failure a category reserved exclusively for the arts? Our ongoing adventure of excursions into the deep time of relations between the arts, science, and technology engages with such disparate themes as these. The authors of this volume are philosophers, artists, theologians, physicists, historians of film, mathematics, technology, and science, biologists, musicologists, and art theorists from a variety of countries. Their ambition is not to write a new history of art or the media; however, through their broad and generous interpretation of their objects of study they seriously call into question what we have up to now defined as art or understood as media.

With contributions by Siegfried Zielinski (Berlin), Peter Blegvad (London), David Link (Cologne / Karlsruhe), Amador Vega (Barcelona), Sebastian Klotz (Leipzig), MiklĂłs PeternĂĄk (Budapest), Amir R. Alexander (Los Angeles), Arianna Borrelli (Berlin), GĂĄbor Á. ZemplĂ©n (Budapest), Steven Vanden Broecke (Brussels), Mara Mills (Cambridge, MA), Lioudmila Voropai (Cologne / Moscow), Andrea Hacker (Dublin), Oksana Bulgakowa (Berlin), Koen Vermeir (Leuven), Eckhard FĂŒrlus (Berlin), Alla Mitrofanova (St. Petersburg).

Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König
ISBN 3-86560-050-6

Table of contents and introduction (PDF)

Variantology 1
On Deep Time Relations of Arts, Sciences and Technologies
Edited by Siegfried Zielinski and Silvia M.Wagnermaier

The work processes for VARIANTOLOGY try to react naively to a culture of bloc formation and programmatic standardisation. In contrast to the heterogeneous, with its ponderous oscillations in ontology and biology, we are interested in the variant both methodologically and epistemologically as a mode characterised by lightness and ease. As such, the variant is equally at home in experimental art, science and media praxes. To vary something that is established is an alternative to destroying it — a strategy that played a prominent role and was favoured by many avant-garde movements in the twentieth century.

With contributions by Silvia M. Wagnermeier (Cologne), Werner Nekes (MĂŒlheim), Mara Mills (Cambridge, MA), Paola Bertucci (Bologna), Claudia Schink (Cologne), Siegfried Zielinski (Berlin / Cologne), Elisabeth von Samsonow (Wien), Jochen BĂŒchel (MĂŒnchen), Henning Schmidgen (Berlin), Velimir Abramovic (Belgrad), Anthony Moore (London / Cologne), Nils Röller (ZĂŒrich), Yasmin Haskell (Perth), Koen Vermeir (Leuven / Berlin), Timothy Druckrey (New York), David Link (Cologne), Arianna Borrelli (Rome / Braunschweig), Amador Vega (Barcelona).

Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König
ISBN 3-88375-914-7

Table of contents and introduction (PDF)

Introduction to Variations on Media Thinking by Siegfried Zielinski in Chinese language:

Variations_Intro  éœæž—æ–ŻćŸș-æƒŠćŒ‚ć‘ç”Ÿć™šïŒšć€šæ ·çš„ćȘ’ä»‹æ€æƒł

PDFs of the first pages of all essays published in the Variantology series for download. The texts are sorted by author.

Please respect the copyrights as follows: Variantology 1 © Siegfried Zielinski, Silvia M.Wagnermaier, the authors and Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, Köln. Variantoloy 2 © Siegfried Zielinski, David Link, the authors and Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, Köln, Köln. Variantology 3–5 © Siegfried Zielinski, Eckhard Fürlus, the authors and
Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, Köln.

Velimir Abramovic, Introduction to an Ontology of Time Structure and Models, in: Variantology 1 (PDF)

Ulrich Alertz, The Horologium of Hārūn al-Rashīd Presented to Charlemagne. An Attempt to Identify and Reconstruct the Clock Using the Instructions Given by al-Jazarī, in: Variantology 4 (PDF)

Amir R. Alexander, Through the Mathematical Looking Glass, in: Variantology 2 (PDF)

Nanni Balestrini, Tape Mark I & Early Machine Poetry, in: Variantology 5 (PDF)

Rosa Barba, The Empirical Effect. Printed Cinema, 2010, in: Variantology 5 (PDF)

Irit Batsry, Writing Images, in: Variantology 4 (PDF)

Hans Belting, Afterthoughts on Alhazen’s Visual Theory and Its Presence in the Pictorial Theory of Western Perspective, in: Variantology 4 (PDF)

Hans Belting, Jacopo Sannazaro & His Readers. The Arcadian Dream in the Pocket Book, in: Variantology 5 (PDF)

John Berger, Meanwhile, in: Variantology 5 (PDF)

Paola Bertucci, Promethean Sparks: Electricity and the Order of Nature in the Eighteenth Century, in: Variantology 1 (PDF)

Peter Blegvad, Two Birds / Poet of Stone, in: Variantology 5 (PDF)

Arianna Borrelli, “Crystallogy in the Making”, in: Variantology 4 (PDF)

Arianna Borrelli, Giovan Battista Della Porta’s Neapolitan Magic & His Humanistic Meteorology, in: Variantology 5 (PDF)

Arianna Borrelli, Mathematical Notation as a Philosophical Instrument, in: Variantology 1 (PDF)

Arianna Borrelli, Pneumatics and the Alchemy of Weather – What Is Wind and Why Does It Blow?, in: Variantology 3 (PDF)

Arianna Borrelli, The Flat Sphere, in: Variantology 2 (PDF)

Francesca Bray, Tales of Fertility: Reproductive Narratives in Late Imperial Medical Cases, in: Variantology 3 (PDF)

Almut Sh. Bruckstein, Textual Body Landscapes and Scripture’s Visual Form, in: Variantology 4 (PDF)

Jochen Büchel, The Psychology of Matter. Ideas and Image Patterns of Food Assimilation among Paracelsists in the Baroque Era, in: Variantology 1 (PDF)

Oksana Bulgakowa, Theory as a Gesamtkunstwerk, in: Variantology 2 (PDF)

Luciano Canfora, Papyrus as a Medium Sarà Simonidis? Certo non può essere Artemidoro, in: Variantology 5 (PDF)

Chen (Joseph) Cheng-Yih, Cultural Diversities: Complementarity in Opposites, in: Variantology 3 (PDF)

Chen (Joseph) Cheng-Yih, Notation, Algorithm & Derivation in Early Mathematics in China, in: Variantology 5 (PDF)

Timothy Druckrey, Re-Imagining Archaeology, in: Variantology 1 (PDF)

Xu Fei, Exploration and Achievements of the Acoustics of Yuelü, the Theory of the Tone System in Ancient China, in: Variantology 3 (PDF)

Mareile Flitsch, Body—Posture—Tool. Anthropological Reflections on the Depiction of Body–Artefact Relationships in Chinese Folk Art, in: Variantology 3 (PDF)

Vilém Flusser, Image and Text. A Lecture [to be] held at the Hebrew University, Jerusalem, in: Variantology 4 (PDF)

Vilém Flusser, Mittel & Meere (Means & Seas), in: Variantology 5 (PDF)

FM Einheit, Monteverdis Liederzyklus über Krieg und Liebe, in: Variantology 5 (PDF)

Eckhard Fürlus, “To point out the potential of the individual”: Some Reflections on Christology and Crucifixion Typology, in: Variantology 2 (PDF)

Eckhard Fürlus, Napoli – Un Amore Cosi Grande, in: Variantology 5 (PDF)

Eckhard Fürlus, Psalm 29. A Comparison of Translations and Parallels in a Ugaritic Text, in: Variantology 4 (PDF)

Ramon Guardans, [General View of Water Control] On the Book He fang yilan Published by Pan Jixun in 1590, in: Variantology 3 (PDF)

Ramon Guardans, A Brief Note on the anwā ́ Texts of the Late Tenth Century, in: Variantology 4 (PDF)

Ingo Günther, U (Segment Yokohama), in: Variantology 3 (PDF)

Claus-Peter Haase, Modest Variations— Theoretical Tradition and Practical Innovation in the Mechanical Arts from Antiquity to the Arab Middle Ages, in: Variantology 4 (PDF)

Andrea Hacker, Khlebnikovian Time: Between H.G. Wells and Kalachakra, in: Variantology 2 (PDF)

Yasmin Haskell, Didac-tech? Prolegomena to the Early Modern Poetry of Information, in: Variantology 1 (PDF)

Yasmin Haskell, Let the Mountain [Vesuvius] Come to Mahomet: The Healing Powers of Travel & Neapolitan Simpatia in Niccolò Giannettasio’s Herculanean Spring (1704), in: Variantology 5 (PDF)

Sebastian Klotz, Arcadia, Musicland. Variants of Eloquence in the Renaissance Madrigal & in Disco, in: Variantology 5 (PDF)

Sebastian Klotz, Beyond Mimesis: Intelligent Musical Signs and the Production of Variants in the Enlightenment, in: Variantology 1 (PDF)

David Link, Enigma Rebus. Prolegomena to an Archaeology of Algorithmic Artefacts, in: Variantology 5 (PDF)

David Link, Scrambling T-R-U-T-H. Rotating Letters as a Material Form of Thought, in: Variantology 4 (PDF)

David Link, There Must Be an Angel. On the Beginnings of the Arithmetics of Rays, in: Variantology 2 (PDF)

David Link, while (true). On the Fluidity of Signs in Hegel, Gödel, and Turing, in: Variantology 1 (PDF)

Franco Lucentini, Automatopoietica [1962], in: Variantology 5 (PDF)

Laura U. Marks, Words Dream of Being Flowers, Birds Dream of Language, in: Variantology 4 (PDF)

Rossen Milev, The “World Script Revolution” in the Fourth Century: A Series of Coincidences and Typological Similarities, Interferential Influences, or an Unexplored Phenomenon of Parallelism?, in: Variantology 3 (PDF)

Mara Mills, Hearing Things: Telephones and Auditory Theory, in: Variantology 2 (PDF)

Mara Mills, Theatrum Fungorum: John Cage’s Mycology and Photomechanical Reproduction, in: Variantology 1 (PDF)

Alla Mitrofanova, From Enlightenment to the Divine Darkness: The Apophatic Return, in: Variantology 2 (PDF)

Anthony Moore, The Musical Yardstick, in: Variantology 1 (PDF)

Anthony Moore, Transactional Fluctuations 1. Towards an Encyclopaedia of Sound, in: Variantology 3 (PDF)

Anthony Moore, Transactional Fluctuations 2. “Reflections on Sound”, in: Variantology 4 (PDF)

Anthony Moore, Transactional Fluctuations 3. “Reflections on Sound”, in: Variantology 5 (PDF)

Dai Nianzu, Electricity, Magnetism, and Culture in Ancient China, in: Variantology 3 (PDF)

Miklós Peternák, Convention and Invention Notes on the Illustrations of Orbis Pictus, in: Variantology 2 (PDF)

Miklós Peternák, “Born/Natura”. A Picture in the Background of a Picture, in: Variantology 5 (PDF)

Dhruv Raina, In Search of a Historiography of Jesuit Science in Seventeenth and Eighteenth-century India, in: Variantology 3 (PDF)

Dhruv Raina, Le Gentil’s Voyage: Addressing Disruptions in the Narrative of Scientific Progress, in: Variantology 5 (PDF)

Dhruv Raina, On Metahistory and a Purportedly “Homeless Text”: Reflections upon an Eighteenth-century, South Asian Traveller’s Impression of Modern European Science, in: Variantology 4 (PDF)

Giovanni P. Ricciardi, Diario del Monte Vesuvio [Fragments], in: Variantology 5 (PDF)

Julian Rohrhuber, New Mathematics and the Subject of the Variable, in: Variantology 4 (PDF)

Nils Röller, A Strange Stone. Anonymity in the History of the Compass, in: Variantology 5 (PDF)

Nils Röller, Revolution of the Ear?. The Typewriter as a LISTENING AID, in: Variantology 1 (PDF)

Nils Röller, Thinking with Instruments: The Example of Kant’s Compass, in: Variantology 3 (PDF)

Otto E. Rössler, Variantology: Einstein-Bohr Battle Confirms Everett’s Eternal Now, in: Variantology 5 (PDF)

George Saliba, Blurred Edges—At the Intersection of Science, Culture, and Art, in: Variantology 4 (PDF)

George Saliba, Europe and the World of Islam: Standing in Each Other’s Shadow, in: Variantology 5 (PDF)

Elisabeth von Samsonow, A New Theory on the New, or, How and To What End Do We Study Old Texts?, in: Variantology 1 (PDF)

Elisabeth von Samsonow, Giordano Bruno against Ge-A-Metry. An Early Modern Model of Fractal Geometry, in: Variantology 5 (PDF)

Dagmar Schäfer, Ganying-Resonance in Seventeenth-century China: The Examples of Wang Fuzhi (1609–1696) and Song Yingxing (1589–ca. 1666), in: Variantology 3 (PDF)

Claudia Schink, Lux reflecta: On Moonlight in Mythology and Science, in: Variantology 3 (PDF)

Claudia Schink, Mythologia Fulgurales: On the History of Lightning in Mythology and Christianity, in: Variantology 1 (PDF)

Henning Schmidgen, Repetitions and Differences: Psychophysiological Time Machines, 1850–18651, in: Variantology 1 (PDF)

Wilhelm Schmidt Biggemann, Athanasius Kircher’s Concept of Prehistory, in: Variantology 5 (PDF)

Wilhelm Schmidt Biggemann, Sketch of a Cosmic Theory of the Soul from Aristotle to Averroes, in: Variantology 4 (PDF)

Fuat Sezgin, Some Remarks on the History of Science and Technology in Islam, in: Variantology 4 (PDF)

Amnon Shiloah, The Origin of Language & its Link with Music according to the Theory of Jābir ibn HÌŁayyān, in: Variantology 5 (PDF)

Amnon Shiloah, The Paradigmatic-Individualistic Approach of Arab Musical Creativeness, in: Variantology 4 (PDF)

Steven Vanden Broecke, God’s Rhetoric A Therapeutical Tracing of Allegoria in Factis, in: Variantology 2 (PDF)

Amador Vega, Hermeneutics of Secrets: from the Villa dei Misteri to the Rothko Chapel, in: Variantology 5 (PDF)

Amador Vega, Images That Are Not Images: Notes Toward an “Apofatic Theology” for the Twentieth Century, in: Variantology 1 (PDF)

Amador Vega, Ramon Llull: A Logic of Invention, in: Variantology 2 (PDF)

Koen Vermeir, The Hidden History of the Cyborg. A Historio-Philosophical Essay on the Magic of Technology, in: Variantology 1 (PDF)

Koen Vermeir, The Reality of Failure: On the Interpretation of Success and Failure in (the History and Philosophy of ) Science and Technology, in: Variantology 2 (PDF)

Lioudmila Voropai, Iambic Tetrameter in the Service of Revolution: Notes on the System of Art and Literary Education in Post-revolutionary Russia, in: Variantology 2 (PDF)

Simon Werrett, “The Finest Fireworks in the World”: Chinese Pyrotechnics in Early Modern Europe, in: Variantology 3 (PDF)

Eilhard Wiedemann, On Musical Automata, in: Variantology 4 (PDF)

Gábor Á. Zemplén, Auxiliary Images— Appropriations of Goethe’s Theory of Colours, in: Variantology 2 (PDF)

Siegfried Zielinski and Franziska Latell, How One Sees, in: Variantology 4 (PDF)

Siegfried Zielinski, Show and Hide. Projection As a Media Strategy Located between Proof of Truth and Illusionising, in: Variantology 1 (PDF)

Siegfried Zielinski, Towards an Institute for Southern Modernities [ISMs]©, in: Variantology 5 (PDF)